INDEPENDENT DAYS: Call for Submissions

Independent Days Filmfestspiele, Logo


Bewerbungsfrist 30.11.2022
Preisgeld Verschiedene Auszeichnungen

Die nächsten INDEPENDENT DAYS|22. Internationale Filmfestspiele Karlsruhe finden vom 19. bis 23. April 2023 in der SCHAUBURG statt. Da der Termin zur Ausgabe im vergangenen Herbst zu knapp gewesen wäre, haben sich die Veranstalter dazu entschlossen, erst 2023 nach der Corona-Pandemie auf ihren Frühjahrs-Termin zurückzukehren.

Filmschaffende haben ab sofort die Möglichkeit ihre Arbeiten online über Filmfreeway einzureichen. Gesucht sind sowohl Kurz-, als auch Langfilme jeden Genres, inhaltliche Beschränkungen gibt es nicht. Ausgelobt sind wieder elf Filmpreise im Wert von über 10.000 Euro.

Am 30. April endet bereits die Earlybird Einreichungsfrist. Filmemacherinnen und -macher können aber noch unter anderem bis zur Regular Deadline am 31. August ihre Filme einreichen.

Awards & Prizes

Audience Award:

  • Film Award of The City of Karlsruhe, prize money 1,500 Euro and Award Trophy KARLINA

Special Jury Awards:

  • Film Award of the Cultural Foundation Sparkasse Karlsruhe, prize money 2,500 Euro
  • Best Short Shortfilm Award (shorts up to 5 minutes) 500 Euro and Award Trophy KARLINA
  • Indie Award for Best Feature Film 1,000 Euro and Award Trophy KARLINA
  • Newbie Award for Best First Time Movie 1,000 Euro and Award Trophy KARLINA
  • Female Award for Best Female Director 1,000 Euro and Award Trophy KARLINA
  • Best Independent Actor Award: 500 Euro and Award Trophy by Vollack Group
  • Best Independent Actress Award: 500 Euro and Award Trophy by Vollack Group
  • UNESCO Creative City of Media Art Film Award for the Best Experimental Shortfilm: Award Trophy KARLINA
  • Underground Award for the Best No Budget Film: Award Trophy KARLINA
  • Best Film Composer Award: Award Trophy KARLINA

Rules & Terms

Films should be produced within the years 2018 to 2022. Short films as well as feature films can be submitted.

All contents and genres are acceptable (except for advertisements, image films) as long as they do not imply any illegal exposures according to German StGB law (e.g. pornography, excessive violence or sedition etc.).

Low Budget production costs have to be below 2,500 Euro per minute run-time, feature films (60 minutes and longer) shall not have more than approx. 250,000 Euro total costs and short films up to 30 minutes not more than approx. 50,000 Euro. No Budget production costs have to be below 100 Euro per minute run-time, feature films (60 minutes and longer) shall not have more than approx. 10,000 Euro total costs and short films up to 30 minutes not more than approx. 2,500 Euro. Besides the actual production costs, other indications like production facilities or infrastructure (company or film academy) are considered as well for classification.

Screening copies (e. g. USB-Storage, harddisk, DVD), which you have sent to the festival will be delivered back to your official adress (or to the next festival) with a postal service of our choice. Please note that cannot influence the speed of delivery.

Films that have been formally submitted to us and selected by our program committee can not be withdrawn.